It just goes to show how good incorporating squats and lunges into your exercise routine can be. Mike Alexander, the personal trainer for Jessica Simpson for her role in Dukes of Hazard, wanted Jessica to get a “lean, toned look” in her Daisy Dukes. Sure it may not have been difficult for someone like Jessica Simpson to look good in short shorts, but what exercises did Mike employ to help shape up her rear? Lower body exercises, like lunges and squats. Brilliant. Gina Lombardi, the host for Discovery channel
June 17th, 2007
Buff up the Backside Like a Celebrity

Elliptical Cross Trainers - The Pros And The Cons Of These Trainers There are different types of elliptical cross trainer characteristics which might be found in various elliptical cross trainers. It depends on the kind of trainer you get, the kind of features of your elliptical cross trainer would have. We would see some of the very common features which you......
Exercise Options for Pregnant Women Although pregnancy exercise is a natural and healthy thing, when you are pregnant you should not be starting any strenuous or stressful routine for exercise. Still, remaining fit during your pregnancy is going to help you keep your healthy weight during your pregnancy while simultaneously offering additional benefits: The reduction......
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- The Single Leg Squat I said it in my last post and I'll say it again. The squat is not to be underestimated as an exercise. A good variation of the squat, sometimes called the pistol, involves working one leg at a time - ie, a one legged squat. In their December 2006 issue,......
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Floor Wipers Some nights I'm just not up to going to the gym (this is especially true on Wednesdays for some reason). So tonight, instead of heading down there, I decided to head downstairs to my home gym and do it up in the comfort of my own home. As the......
The Top 15 Online Fitness Resources 1. Crossfit popularity has exploded over the last year. Dozens of affiliates seem to be opening on a monthly basis and the community is expanding faster than a sub 2 minute Fran. But it's no surprise - Crossfit runs under an "open source" mantra and provides a seriously massive......
Exercise at Home or in a Hotel - Body Weight Workouts Here's a collection of a few exercises I used while in Vegas the other weekend. I didn't like the hotel gym so decided to mostly use body weight exercises to keep in shape during my stay. These 4 exercises really target some major muscles and doing them in a......
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