Exercise demonstrations at the click of a mouse button

So, you’re not sure what a clean and jerk really is? Still struggling with the difference between a squat and a deadlift? A triceps raise? What is a triceps? Ahhh… The Interweb… er… Internet… What was life like without it? Imagine all the hours that people must have wasted in a library just to try and understand something that was perhaps trivial.

So impress your friends. Here’s a great link that, if anything, will help you at a good ol’ game of bodybuilding trivia. I kid… Learn what exercise would be beneficial for building those rectus abdominis muscles here at exrx.net. That stands for “exercise prescription” for those running a little slow today (although I can’t imagine where rx comes from). This site is loaded with information about exercises, muscle groups, diet and nutrition. And with each exercise description, there’s always a nice little video clip (and I really mean little) showing the proper form. Anyways, the website is definitely worthy of a bookmark.

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