I’m not sure how old this guy is, but when I’m his age, I’d like to also be able to pull this off. I can’t do it now though, so I’d better start practicing.
June 19th, 2007
Feats of Strength - A Strong Old Man

Parkour We’ve all been there, walking down the sidewalk, seeing a nice curb and spontaneously deciding to walk on that instead – finding our balance, making our way to the end without fault. As a child, jumping and running on things that were never meant for such abuse was practically a......
- The Pull-up, the Pull-up Bar (and how to build one cheap) There's an old joke that goes something like this: a man walks into a bar and asks the bartender why his head hurts. The bartender responds, well you just walked into a bar. Ok - not a real joke - I just made that one up (as if you......
The Top 15 Online Fitness Resources 1. Crossfit.com Crossfit popularity has exploded over the last year. Dozens of affiliates seem to be opening on a monthly basis and the community is expanding faster than a sub 2 minute Fran. But it's no surprise - Crossfit runs under an "open source" mantra and provides a seriously massive......
The Overhead Squat I was practicing overhead squats today. It seems that I'm always practicing them and never really trying max weight. My wife watches sometimes and never fails to find faults in my technique. "You're too far over on your toes!", she'll tell me. Sometimes we argue about it. She usually wins......
Increase your pull-up numbers The pull-up is a fantastic exercise. It has a simplicity like few other exercises yet it does wonders for your upper body. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked and skipped out on. Few people at the gym will actually do pull-ups as part of their workout. Perhaps this is partly because......
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