Just came across this video on YouTube of someone doing pistols with 40kg (88lbs) of extra weight! That’s some serious leg strength.
February 23rd, 2009
40kg Pistols (One Legged Squats)

FITT: How To Lose Weight Action Plan There has been a debate among many experts in the field of fitness regarding this one burning question that are in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Many people are willing to pay top dollar in order to find an immediate solution to this one...
Analysis of Israel: week one. Analysis of Israel: week one. An unbiased third party opinion. First Impressions: Israel has incredible upper body strength. Example 1: Even out of shape without touching a weight for over 120 days Israel can perform seated behind the neck military presses with 135lbs with ease for twelve repetitions. He proceeds......
Strength Training and Stretching Workout #twit2fit I don't like strength training or stretching, but I am unable to do any walking, elliptical, stairs, or biking due to my piriformis bursitis... RunningAHEAD - Strings_n_88keys's log: View Workout. (Raised Leg) Ball Pushups 8x37, 296 total. 12,152 since 12/27/2008. Bicep Curls (each arm) 9x11, 1x3 - 20 lbs. 303......
Simple and Serious Resistance Band Workouts Most people know what resistance bands are, but do not realize how effective these exercise tools can actually be at building strength and helping to work off weight. How can a series of rubber tubes or bands actually do anything, right? It is time to lose this attitude because resistance......
Strength Training for Weight Loss One of the questions that people find themselves asking is how strength training is capable of helping people lose weight. The truth is, when you are trying to lose weight, strength training is very, very important, even if you have no intention of becoming buff or ripped. Strength training does......

The Health Lift - AKA Deadlift The November issue of Mens' Health just arrived. They have an interesting article called the "5 - Second Strength Booster". Interesting not because it's another article about how good the deadlift is but interesting because of the tidbit of information they revealed. The deadlift was, at some point way back......
My Max Bench Press and my Not so Max Squat see more crazy cat picsLast night the local crossfit WOD was 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 bench presses, working our way up to our max. The good news is that I managed a max bench of 215lbs! that's over 40lbs beyond body weight. The bad news is... and I'm extremely ashamed to say......
The Air Squat If there is an exercise that could help with movements the human body goes through day in and day out, it's the squat. Whether lifting something heavy, standing up from a chair, or even simply walking, elements of the squat are apparent. With the bending of the knees and......
Clean, Squat and Jerk for a Rep I'm a big fan of Olympic style weightlifting. I like the shear strength that some lifters possess, but what I like most about these lifts is actually incorporating them into my routine as they are extremely great workouts. Lifts like the clean and jerk incorporate a huge number of muscles.......
The Sinclair Total Calculator I recently came across the Sinclair total from Crossfit Mobile's website - they're hosting a weight lifting comp in June. The Sinclair Total is a number that represents one's Olympic total (total weight lifted for the snatch and clean and jerk, combined) in a calculated form that can be compared......
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