For those who don’t know, I have a thing for break dancing. It’s just an incredible display of strength. This video of Guy Junior is no exception. Watch and be amazed.
November 24th, 2009
Sick Upper Body Strength

Please Come Vote On The Next Big Green Idea. As some of you might know (hopefully), Sundance Channel has a new programming strip called "The Green" that encompasses a few different shows about various environmental subjects. It's fantastic, you should check it out if you have the Sundance Channel on your cable system. Anyway, they are running a video......
How to Make Deer Hunting Videos If you've ever thought of making your own deer hunting videos but wondered who would want to watch them, you should consider the enjoyment you'll get from making them. You may be surprised at who would enjoy watching your videos. But even if no one did, you would have the......
Dakota Roche with a Skateboarding Motivation Tip Today's post is by guest blogger, Dakota Roche. Hey folks, my name is Dakota Roche, I'm a professional BMX rider, but I also enjoy skateboarding quite a bit. I started skating when I was 3 years old and have loved it ever since, in fact, I strongly believe it has......
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YouTube blocks UK users from watching music videos Google Inc. said Monday it will block U.K. users from watching music videos on its popular video-sharing site YouTube after negotiations with Britain's music royalty-collecting body broke down. Google said it would begin blocking British users starting Monday night. The Internet titan said it knew the move would cause "significant......

Parkour We’ve all been there, walking down the sidewalk, seeing a nice curb and spontaneously deciding to walk on that instead – finding our balance, making our way to the end without fault. As a child, jumping and running on things that were never meant for such abuse was practically a......
- Moving Towards Strength Training In this month's issue of Men's Health, Joe Kita writes a great article about the strength training approach of Coach Dos Remedios, or the College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita California and his take on getting bigger, stronger and leaner. Coach Dos's training consists of relatively short, high intensity compound......
Crossfit Invading Globo Gym? I've been a little under the weather lately. But tonight was the first night in almost a week that I decided to head to the gym and do some weight lifting, avoiding any high intensity work in favour of more strength type training. To my dismay, I saw more crossfit......
- The Kooza Experience - Cirque du Soleil Last night my wife and I headed to Toronto to see the latest Cirque du Soleil act in town, Kooza. In short, it was absolutely brilliant. Since this was my first Cirque experience, I honestly had no idea what to expect. Driving in to the parking lot to see the......
Developing Flexibility Flexibility is so important to fitness. Unfortunately not many people actually pay attention to it enough. I'm guilty as any at forgoing a daily stretch or not appropriately warming up with some stretches before a workout. Increasing flexibility will not only help reduce injury when working out, as you......
One Comment, Comment or Ping
Upper body and core strength to the extreme. Impressive.
November 27th, 2009
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