Just created a Facebook group, called Lean Bodies. Definitely come join the discussion if you’re interested in fitness, health bodybuilding and nutrition! Lean Bodies Facebook Group.
June 18th, 2010
Lean Bodies Facebook Group!
Just created a Facebook group, called Lean Bodies. Definitely come join the discussion if you’re interested in fitness, health bodybuilding and nutrition! Lean Bodies Facebook Group.

Welcome to Nutrition Fitness Life Hello and welcome to Nutrition Fitness Life! I’m glad you’re here. This website will cover information pertaining to health, fitness, and nutrition. I hope you will enjoy my website. Disclaimer: Please be aware that I write for entertainment purposes only. Be sure to get physician approval before starting any physical......
Roundup for the Week Thank you Weight Master for including Weight Ladder in the weight management and fitness forum. Best posts from the Fitness Health Network blogs for the week: Most of us have been there; down to those last few pounds to reach our goal weight. Sometimes when we're there it's frustrating because we......
Body Composition and Lean Mass Body composition is something that we come to hear about a lot, but do we really understand what it means or how it impacts us in our daily lives? In order for us to be considered fit, there are five areas where minimum standards have to be met, and these......
Fiber is the Beginning to Improving Your Diet One of the ways to greatly improve your health and give a boost to your diet is to add fiber to your diet. Fiber makes the trip through your body with no real change in its structure, since the human body lacks what is needed to digest it. Despite our......
Sunday Roundup - Lose that Weight! In this edition of the Sunday roundup I've pulled several posts from blogs on a myriad of subjects but mostly I found posts on the subject of losing weight. Hopefully they will help you on your way to a healthier and better life. Have a happy and healthy weekend! The......

Paul Walker and Fitness - Paul Walker Men's Health Cover I know this is from March, but I haven't really been reading my Men's Health magazines lately. In March, however, Paul Walker made his umpteenth appearance in Men's Health. From a fitness perspective, his article wasn't super inspiring. Titled, "Find your Balance", Paul talks about how to do just......
Social Networking - Fitness Style In the last couple of years, social networking sites have risen in Internet popularity faster than any other website type. First came MySpace and more recently, Facebook, which keeps getting a larger and larger community. Literally hundreds of other social networking sites exist. Wikipedia has a good sample of what's......
How to Boost Metabolic Rate to Increase Fat Loss It's no secret that metabolism plays a huge role in weight maintenance and muscle building. But first things first, what is metabolism? And what does it mean to say metabolic rate? A person's metabolism is the chemical pathways that take molecules in one form and convert them to some......
The Top 15 Online Fitness Resources 1. Crossfit.com Crossfit popularity has exploded over the last year. Dozens of affiliates seem to be opening on a monthly basis and the community is expanding faster than a sub 2 minute Fran. But it's no surprise - Crossfit runs under an "open source" mantra and provides a seriously massive......
The Health Lift - AKA Deadlift The November issue of Mens' Health just arrived. They have an interesting article called the "5 - Second Strength Booster". Interesting not because it's another article about how good the deadlift is but interesting because of the tidbit of information they revealed. The deadlift was, at some point way back......
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