A few years ago, I created a little app called WOD Timer for iPhone. It was back in the early days of the first iPhone. To my surprise, it actually had a few downloads and to this day, it continues to be purchased and used (Thank you!!!)
Along with this WOD Timer iPhone app, I also created a supplementary website called www.wodtimer.com (surprise). The site was primarily for marketing the iPhone app, but I also created a Flash interval timer and threw it up on the site. Amazingly, the Flash WOD Timer also had a fair number of users and, like the iPhone app, continues to have users.
I have received all sorts of comments about the online Timer app, but the most popular comment asks why the “Quickstart” timer function of the app only goes for around 9 minutes. I always thanked people emailing me, but I usually failed to mention that I’d love to fix the issue but somehow lost the code. DOH!! Yes, I lost the WOD Timer code (online Flash version).
We are expecting our second child in April and I’ve been trying to find some time to clean up the house - get rid of junk we don’t need. I actually went through all my burned CD’s and DVD’s as an exercise in consolidation and clean-up and do you know what I came across? The code for WOD Timer!!! I was so freakin’ ecstatic.
This evening, I found the bug where Quickstart stops at 9 minutes, fixed it and uploaded the new version.
So if you used WOD Timer online before and stopped because the Quickstart option was broken, why don’t you go check it out again!