Stick Man Workout 20091123

Here’s my new fav workout.  Hit the exercises one after another any work with a medium to high intensity and not only with you feel great, you will be in and out of the gym in no time (barring waiting for the equipment - something that I had to do this evening).

The description:

  1. warmup: 1 mile run medium to high intensity
  2. combo: skipping (20 double unders) then 20 situps for 3 rounds.  Or could sub in 40 situps + 20 du’s then 30 situps + 40 du’s, then 20 situps + 60 du’s
  3. combo: a take on a Crossfit oldie - body weight bench presses (as many reps as possible for a set - AMRAP) followed by Pullups (dead hangs or kipping, also as many reps as possible for a set - AMRAP) times 5 rounds.
  4. Done.