Exercise and nutrition for us fit-minded but otherwise fairly normal people.

The Fit Blog Tip #2

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Losing weight is a commitment. Unfortunately it's the hard truth - you can't expect much from a one or two week South-Beach diet. Losing weight means having the will to deny yourself many of the things you may like. Chocolate bars, beer, croissants, all the good stuff has to be removed from your diet, and not just for a couple weeks - staying on the course and staying committed is the number one road to success. Mix in some cardio and resistance training and you'll be seeing the weight drop off in no time.


The Fit Blog Fit Tip #1

Monday, July 30, 2007

The first in a series of quick, realistic, usable fitness tips.

Make situations where you don't have time to cook a good dinner a thing of the past. Preparation is key. Sundays, when things have slowed down a tiny bit, cook up some food for the week. Grill some chicken breasts and pack them in the fridge in some Tupperware. Slice them up for wraps or salads, or enjoy them on their own with a side of microwaved frozen veggies. While you're at it, prepare other foods like chopped or sliced veggies for salads, pack up some single serving portions of baby carrots in zip-lock bags, cook up a bunch of slices of turkey bacon and refrigerate them. The more food you have ready to go, the less likely it is that you will make that McDonald's stop on the way home from work.
