Protein - a body builder’s ticket to muscle, a dieter’s key to weight loss. Our muscles crave it after a good workout and researchers have found that “increasing the protein content of the diet [helps] to reduce hunger and aid weight loss.” Within 40 minutes of a workout, a protein boost is essential to help the muscles recover. Here’s my recipe for what I call the “Fruitychocoproteini”. It’s fast, tasty and it’s what the doctor ordered.
1 scoop of chocolate flavoured whey protein
1 cup of 1% milk
1 fat free Silhouette yogurt (flavour of your choice - I like banana strawberry)
1 ice cube
Put ingredients in a shaker with an ice cube. Shake, shake, shake, like you’re making your mama a martini. If you don’t have a martini shaker, a travel coffee mug with a fairly tight lid will do just fine. The more you shake, the more you’ll disolve the protein. Pour in a glass and add some water if you’d like to fill the glass up. Drink and be merry. Note that the picture on the right is absolutely no indication of what this will actually look like.
Nutrition Info
Calories: 262
fat: 4.4g
carbs: 21.2g
protein: 39.6g
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